Starting again
My routines were NOT well established enough to survive a crisis. I did nothing but the very bare minimum over the weekend. However, I DID do the bare minimum (i.e. do dishes every night, even though there were only a few, instead of letting them build up, use 2 minutes in living room every night to ensure that even if it looked no better, it looked no worse either, and I am UNBELIVABLY proud of myself that I managed that. Usually my reaction to a crisis involving Lars is to go to pieces and do absolutely nothing.
I need to get back on track though. And today is as good a time as any. I don't know if I can stick to the routines I set up for myself before Thursday, but I'm definitely going to try. We'll see how it goes...
I need to get back on track though. And today is as good a time as any. I don't know if I can stick to the routines I set up for myself before Thursday, but I'm definitely going to try. We'll see how it goes...
- Do dishes.
- Cook dinner.
- Wipe down.
- Clean up after dinner.
- Shine sink.
- Take vitamins.
- Write in journal.
- 5-15 minutes cleaning up.
- Put out clothes for tomorrow.
- Floss.
And most importantly...- PAMPER MYSELF
- Make bed.
- Face, hair, jewellery.
- Swish toilet.
- Read Bible.
- 2 minute hot spot prevention.
- Take down trash.
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