Gaining Wings

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

In threes...

  1. sort the odds socks and pair them up
  2. make the bed
  3. hang out the whites and lights (have to go to the shops and buy more pegs as most of the pegs have disappeared - I have no clue how or why)
Have completed the first two tasks...the third will have to wait until the kids are showered and dressed so we can go to the shops.  I need milk anyway so I may as well get the pegs while I'm there.

  1. wash up the oddses in the kitchen (there weren't any so that made it easy!)
  2. wipe over the benches and sink
  3. sort the laundry
I'll leave wiping over the benches and sink until after dinner tonight.  As is usual I've been caught out by time and now I have to start getting the bulletin ready for Sunday.  I try to have that finished before Ian gets home from work on a Wednesday so we have that evening together.
  1. clothes off the bathroom floor
  2. swish and swipe bathroom
  3. church bulletin


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