Easter Vacation!
Thursday and Friday are holidays in Denmark, but I've also taken Mon-Wed off work. Partly because I NEEDED the vacation; partly because I have a LOOONG todo list for this week as I get ready for Mixi's wedding, Nina + family coming to stay for a couple of nights, and the entire family coming over for dinner on Friday. If I had to go to work too I'd be incredibly stressed out. As it is, I'm not too worried - I'll get it done, and I'm THRILLED that I finally have a house large enough to support these events :D
BUT I know myself, and I know I need a check list in order to feel organized and less busy, so here goes...
BUT I know myself, and I know I need a check list in order to feel organized and less busy, so here goes...
- Monday
Bake M&M cookiesPut together Ikea lamp for libraryTake cake out of freezer.Go shopping for some crafts supplies I need for a present for JordanGet meat for tomorrow's meal from freezerMeet up with Henni for dinner :D
- Tuesday
Borrow car from Morten&Mette and make a couple of runs to the apartment for the last things. REMEMBER iron + board and curtains.Put up curtains in guest room.Grocery shopping for dinner for 6 nights... including having 15 people over Friday (which is why I'm doing this on the day I have a car available!)Meet up with an online friend for a cuppa after (her) work. We've known each other for years, but weirdly enough never met. Now was the time :DRehearse our 'happening' for the wedding.
- Wednesday
- Vacuum
Find extra boards for dining table- Tidy up hobby room
Tidy up pool roomFind table cloth for dining table (know I have some, but haven't used them - EVER)Wrap presentsPeel carrots for Lars' two night shifts.
- Thursday
Get meat for Friday's dinner out of freezerTidy up dining roomTidy up living roomClean bathroomOrder Sushi for dinnerResearch toastmaster dutiesGo watch "The Host" with Nina and Mixi and then come to our place for a dinner of sushi :)
- Friday
Put on crockpot for BBQ chickenMake meat sauce for tortillasChop veggies for tortillas.- Empty guest room of the last things (too heavy for me to move, but between Lars and Christian they should be able to get it done :) )
- Clear dining table in kitchen + move to living room (Turned out not to be necessary)
Pick up Lars' parents' car which we are borrowing for the wedding (Lars)Have 15 people over for dinner ;)
That's an awesome list - and you are doing so well in conquering it...Go Maria!!
anno, At
8:25 AM
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