Gaining Wings

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Reading::Just finished "White Cap and Bails" by Dickie Bird, now reading a book by Ruth Rendell
Listening:: Touched by ana Angel, waiting for the news and David Hookes' funeral
Doing:: catching up on washing and ironing...yuck!
Small Stuff:: Nothing much to report.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Reading:: The Top Ten of Everything (just finished this morning)
Listening:: Currently...nothing! just for a change
Doing:: checking emails, digesting breakfast, getting Chickabid ready for playschool, preparing to work a MS job today, thinking that I really must get my control journal going again
Small Stuff:: Chickabid havng his afternoon nap alongside me yesterday - very sweet. Chickabid declaring "That pretty card mummy, good girl" when I showed him grandad's completed birthday card.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Reading:: The Top Ten of Everything
Listening:: Australian Open (tennis)
Doing:: Making some birthday cards and gift tags; trying to create order out of CHAOS
Small Stuff:: Chickabid's first words this morning "Good morning, daddy, I better get up now" How cute!

Sunday, January 18, 2004

Reading::Plum Island - Nelson De Mille
Listening:: Australia v India at the "Gabba
Doing:: Celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary, having steak for dinner
Small Stuff:: Ladybaby letting go of furniture; a convseration that took place last night:
Mummy (to Daddy): Didn't you have Bandaids on your sore toes?
Daddy: Yeah, but M. took them off in the shower.
Mummy(asking M.): Why?
M.: I don't know, Mummy ( complete with shoulder shrug)
It's the first time he's answered a "why" question.

Unconscious Mutterings No 2

Berry:: Boysen
Fiendish:: expression
Bar:: drink
Frank:: full
Bend:: stretch
Fanatic:: religion
Belch:: burp
Flagrant:: impressive
Burden:: load
Flimsy::Grace's a long story :-)

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Four hours and a cup of coffee

I went to the Plaza today and met up with my oldest friend. J. and I have been friends since the beginning of 1985 and although we lost touch for a while, have picked up right where we left off and it is the most marvellous feeling. We spent four hours together, lingering over coffee, and catching up properly on the last 10 years or so.
We met in Home Science class and between the two of us managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory on a weekly basis. The only thing we got right in two years was a cheese souffle and we had bucket loads of fun. Now it would seem we are both really at home in the kitchen and quite experimental/adventurous cooks with a penchant for Jamie Oliver. How's that for ironic.

So much for New Year's Resolutions ;-)

Reading::Plum Island, Nelson De Mille
Listening:: Nothing - it's 4.45am
Doing:: some business stuff, wishing I was asleep
Small Stuff:: Nobody apart from ladybaby is in their own bed tonight. Chickabid is in our bed, I was on Chickabid's sofa in the loungeroom until I gave up trying to sleep and the other half is in Chickabid's bed. Not all together sure why though.
Sleep Quota since Tuesday night...
Tuesday night 2am - 4am, 5.30am - 6.30am
Wednesday night 11pm - 5.45am
Thursday night 12am - 3.30
Friday night (it's a doozy) 12am - 1.30am
Out of 32 recommended hours I've had 14. Some how me thinkin' that's not enough

Friday, January 09, 2004

So I missed yesterday :(

Reading::Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less, Jeffery Archer - not the most inspiring of novels, but ok to dip into when I have the chance
Listening:: baby crying, Humphrey (it's that time of the morning again)
Doing:: set up for Dr B; downloading Mystery Shopping job; finalising CK demo for Monday night; cleaning the house
Small Stuff:: Ladybaby starting to cruise around furniture; Chickabid took his nappy off this morning and put "big boy pants" on of his own accord. Looks like he's making moves in the right direction, but I still trod in a puddle :-)

Wednesday, January 07, 2004


Reading:: The Silver Chair C.S.Lewis
Listening:: at the moment...nothing
Doing:: formulating a "to do"list for today
Small Stuff:: Chickabid wearing the laundry basket over his head and telling me "Mummy, Mike wear pretty hat!"; Ladybaby standing up in her cot for the first time.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Reading::The Australian Book of Lists - Michael Morton-Evans
Doing:: Getting together a massive to-do list for today
Small Stuff:: Chickabid announcing "Mike love getti, Mummy" as I was cooking a big pot of same. Ladybaby suddenly refusing to hand over contraband and scarpering in the opposite direction as soon as you try to take it. The grin on that child's face is positively wicked.

Monday, January 05, 2004

Reading::The Silver Chair - C S Lewis
Listening:: Humphrey :-(
Doing:: Heaps of housework; financial paperwork for the business as I have to register for GST today; set up for Dr S.
Small Stuff:: Chickabid imitating the Bundaberg rum commercial and declaring it "funny".