Gaining Wings

Friday, March 27, 2009

We're not going to start another weekend with the house in a midden

  1. put away clothes
  2. make bed
  3. deliver dirty clothes to laundry
  4. pack up dvds and return to the lounge
  5. bribe kids, by offering use of go-duster, to dust bedroom
  6. vacuum


  1. make bed
  2. put clothes away
  3. deliver dirty clothes to laundry
  4. deliver books to bookshelf
  5. bribe kids into dusting room
  6. return toys to toy basket
  7. reinstate doll's house


  1. make bed with clean sheets
  2. put toys away
  3. put books away
  4. put clothes away
  5. quickly sort out bookshelf
  6. clear off top of drawers
  7. clear off bedside
  8. vacuum
  9. bribe kids to dust room

upload photos of beautifully tidied bedrooms